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If girls were programmed in C by god...


Their structures wud look like this....

 struct female_professionals
 double styles;
 short skirts;
 long time_to_understand_problems;
 float mind;
 void knowledge;
 char non_co-operative;

 struct beautiful_city_girl
 double boyfriends;
 short affairs;
 long stories;
 void greymatter;
 char flirt;

 struct engaged_females
 double time_on_phone;
 short attention_on_work;
 long boast;
 float on_cloud_nine;
 void understanding;
 char edgy;

 struct newly_married_females
 double dinner_invitation;
 short time_at_work;
 long lunch_break;
 void bank_balance;
 char hen_pecked;

 struct married_females
 double weight;
 short tempered;
 long gossip;
 float hopes;
 void word;
 char unstable;

 struct old_lady
 double chin;
 short memory;
 long sighs;
 void attention_from_men;
 char chatterbox;

 struct husband_wife_professionals
 double income;
 short tempered;
 long time_no_see_each_other;
 void love_life;
 char money_making;


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