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Just one year back, we were breaking our heads to finish our projects by hook or crook.

Just one year back we were feeling bad about leaving college.

Just one year back we were regretting the dismal state of our love lives.

Just one year back most of us didn't know where we were headed.

Just one year back we hardly had any major responsibilities.

Just one year back we were justifying our selection of electives.

Just one year back, we almost lost the ability to read engineering text books. Thankfully for the exams, we got it back.

Just one year back we wanted to spend more time in college than go out bowling, or to a movie or etc.

Just one year back we wanted to go through the college routine one-last-perfect time.

Just one year back we wanted to curse the appropriate people one last time.

Just one year back I didn't even know I would be doing this 

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