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Heart touching love story specially for boys. Now u can understand if u r leaving ur friend for d girl it means u r going to make d biggest mistake.

Don't do anything for d girls no matters how much she loves u…





There was a Blind Gurl

WhO Hate Herself

cOz Of being Blind.

She Hate every1

Except her Boy friend..

1 day de Gurl said

that if She can

Only c the wOrld

she will marry her bOyfriend,

One day sOme1

dOnated eyes On her

& then she saw Every thing

including her bOyfriend ,

her bOyfriend ask her,

"nOw that u can c ,

will u Marry Me?",

the girl was shOcked when

she saw her bOyfriend

is alsO Blind,

& she refuse tO Marry him.

Her bOyfriend walk away

with Tears & said,

" just take care Of

my eyes dear.


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