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For Those Who Are Getting Married and For Those Who Are Married :

Sharing a few thoughts for Would - be grooms

For Would-Be Grooms:

Rule.No.1 - Never compare your mamma's cooking with your
wife's! There is no faster way to dig your own grave than that!
Please understand that your mom's cooking has the backing
of 20 odd years of experience....don't expect that from
your wife whose hardly into the process! What if she were
to compare your earning capacity with her dad's!!! So

Rule.No.2 : Never go out of your way to please the lady
with flowers, chocolates and gifts during your engagement
period. If ever you do , please follow it up post-wedding too!
When you could cover 20kms in 15 minutes when you are engaged
just to spend some time with her, how dare you forget her
birthday post - marriage, even after you are given the
broadest of hints by her!
Remember expectations always double...ever heard of them being

Rule.No.3: Do compliment her every now and then, verbally
or with gifts! What are those lovely Teddies and Archies gift
cards for? Don't sit there like the Lord Of The Rings
expecting to be waited upon! Of course she will do it but
everyone likes to be appreciated and pampered!!!!

Rule.No.4: This is very important! Sulking or complaining
about marriage being a big mistake is a strict NO -NO!! You
got into it with your eyes wide open, brimming with enthusiasm!!
No one ever pushed you into it! So why this drama now!

Rule.No.5: Be Brave and take your own decisions and stand
up by them!!
Consult your parents for advice but realise that you are
grown up enough to lead your life! Respect your partner's
views at all times! Remember she has given up a lot more
to make a life with you!!

Sharing thoughts for Would - be Brides. (Don't know
how many will take it in the right sense. But still...)

1. Don't expect too much from him. Less the expectations
lesser the disappointments.

2. Don't ever dare to plan any outing or movie on a day
when there is an interesting cricket match going on.
REMEMBER SPORTS is more important to him
than anything else. U spoil his day n He spoils urs

3. Over Emotions, Sentiments... Woha... What are these?
Tears are not going to give any results either. It's just
a temp. attention tht u get. No one likes Cry Babies m
Whining Wifes.

4. Never dare to cross with his mother.Even if he says "My
Mom's cooking is the best. U are nothing in front of her."
take it easily with a smile. Tell him tht u are learning
from his mother and will try to do it better. U are not gonna
lose anything!

5. Try to know his friends and understand that they are
also part of his world.Allow him to spend few weekends or
occasional night out parties with his friends.But at the
same time make sure that u get u r due importance! It must
not be tht he roams arnd with his friends forgetting that you
exist at home.

6. Don't start fighting for silly things.Forgetting
bthdays n Anniversaries is not a big mistake. Men are not
blessed with 2 GB RAM for storing everything in main
memory.If you are very particular abt present gifts n parties on
u r bthdays n anniversaries.make sure u remind them well
in advance by some means (I know it sounds stupid. But if
u are so particular, Do it for u r own good)

7. Take him for your shopping only if he's interested.If
you are going for Window Shopping or for saree
purchase,Better go with your friends/go alone.He is better
at office/home watching cricket.

8. Give him importance always. Show due care and
affection.Tht's the only way to win a guy's mind.

MCP FCS fights are no more valid after marriage.Trying to
dominate will lead to drastic results.

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