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Manager Response


Reply: What I want to say? (Manager)



The decision is good or decision is bad

Only God knows still I am glad

Keep moving in life that is what I can say


If you feel right go in the same way

May god give you the work, the challenge you want

Anyway there is always a second chance

Chances are there, grab them snatch them

That is what I can say


Keep on jumping companies to get more and more and more....

That will keep you always a fore (Even to me)

From my experience I can tell you

Being in software development is like taking hell out of you

You are frustrated since you have no quality work

And you were frustrated because you had quantity work


It's always like that previous job was better than the current one

And expects the new job will be much better than this one

But what you get is a frustration level up to sun

Than you will again send the resignation like this one

This is all what I want to say


Have you completed all the formalities?

Filled the form and got it signed from department humanities (HR)

Once done you can take all your cash

But don't refer others as they will follow you're a*s.

At last I appreciate your contribution to the company

Even though there was not any....


You will keep a copy of this with you for FYI

Don't feel shy

As I also got it some time back from my old manger say Hi....

That is all what I want to say.



Thanks & Regards



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