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An Interview Question

You are driving along in your car on a wild, stormy night,
it's raining heavily, when suddenly you pass by a bus
stop, and you see three people waiting for a bus:

1. An old lady who looks as if she is about to die!

2. An old friend who once saved your life!

3. The perfect partner you have been dreaming about!

Which one would you choose to offer a ride to, knowing
very well that there could only be one passenger in your
Think before you continue reading...

This is a moral/ethical dilemma that was once actually
used as part of a job application.

* You could pick up the old lady, because she is going to
die, and thus you should save her first;

* or you could take the old friend because he once saved
your life, and this would be the perfect chance to ! pay
him back.

* However, you may never be able to find your perfect mate

The candidate who was hired (out of 200 applicants) had no
trouble coming up with his answer. Guess what was his


He simply answered:
"I would give the car keys to my Old friend and let him
take the lady to the hospital. I would stay behind and
wait for the bus with the partner of my dreams."

Sometimes, we gain more if we are able to give up our stubborn
thought limitations. Never forget to "Think Outside of the Box."


Anonymous said...

Well he was a smart man obviously a multi-tasker. He put LOVE first. Love for fellow man and a true love prospect. WIN WIN in my book. More men should incorporate such unselfish and brilliant lines of thought. DON'T you agree fun269???

Anonymous said...

Fun269 is a svumbag named Gregg Howells who lives at 46 East 4th Street in Mount Carmel Pa. He cheats on his girlfriend who is a beautiful woman and person who he has lived with for almost two years. Gregg thinks he's hot shit and is on every adult site known pretending to be single He tries to pick up young girls at festivals and is ugly as shit. Green yellow teeth doesn't bathe stinks always like B.O. don't work is a bum sponging off everyone everywhere. You can see what this creep looks like on facebook underemail If you met this creep online etc and can add to help his unsuspecting woman contact her on fb

Anonymous said...

He has new profile names. Lots. Likes I'm on y and google groups. Big on porn too

Anonymous said...

Hey Greg Mr fun269?? What a joke! Wonder what your pastor will think when he receives a copy of all your dating and porn site affiliations you still have. Bet that'll be an interesting bible study or sunday sermon. Have a great day sir licks a lot! Or shouldn't that be not??

Anonymous said...

I really don't no why you ppl sent me this link that was some time ago and obvously Greg is same old now as then. First of all it takes a special person to be able to commit and be in a relationship. Gregg is a parasite. He lacks motivation inm ovation creativity imagination and everything else to be unique and fun. He relies on all these qualities from others to survive. Especially the financial aspect. Too lazy! He has always hid behind his mouth all talk no action. Excuses blaming on everything or one but himself. We were friends a long time. Physically involved briefly. Hes not attractive. Body ain't much of a turn on. Is lousy in bed or wherever. So this chick must be nuts or a saint. It takes someone of superior intelligence and self confidence and dicipline to be a great man and boyfriend. He just don't got it!

Anonymous said...

I know Great Gregg he goes to festies all the time real fun dude. Always was a player young girls kinda like the bear but not as psychotic. Haha Brought this beautiful creature with him a couple years ago. A little bit older mature but wow what a bright shining light. You can see and feel it when ever you get near her just six you right in. Lucky man to have her but he behaves totally single watched her go from giggles and sunbeams flying all over to frown lines. Thought he really loved her and should but nah just using her. Soon as he gets money he gonna fucking her right over and move on to the next flavor. Seen him do it before. Same patterns. Ya can always smell em com8ng. She's a great gal though everybody adores Betty Lou. Too bad he don't get what a great and sex little gal he's got. I know I sure as he'll we'd let the whole world know she was my girl instead of looking for other opportunities while the chick is right beside him. Disappointing finding out some people never change. Polls why he'll always be a bumm.

Anonymous said...

I talk to fun_269 on adult dating sites. He is definitely screwing this girl over. Please respond here as to how I can contact her. I have interesting documentation of conversations.

Anonymous said...

This is sad. Gregg God loves you and you know what you need to do. If you really work for God as you say you will rid yourself of any association to these things as you can't have it both ways. You need to marry her. God's not playing and he meant what he said when you were told the first time.
Ignore these attacks.These individuals need prayer and love.
You need to stay in church and do the right thing and you know what it is.
It's not what you say. You got to show it in your walk and actions.

Anonymous said...

This is great! I WON! THE PLAN WAS PERFECTLY EXECUTED AND STRATEGICALLY DESTROYED THEIR RELATIONSHIP one domino at a time. Finances, their friendship, trust, every little seed planted grew to its destructive potential. Got him out of her heart, her bed, no chance for martiage. The bitch is done. Just a short matter of time and her and her demon child will be gone for good. I hate her I hate how cutesy and lovie dovie they were. Ain't so happy are ya now Bitch!
He don't want you don't need you hates your ugly face and body. Doesn't want to touch you kiss you and certainly won't sleep with you now.
You said happily ever after or hippily. Not so happy are ya?
Did you really think you could win little fairy princess. I think not?

Anonymous said...

Been following this for a couple months and know both parties involved. Betty Lou get rid of him lots of real men would jump at the chance to be with you. Gregg grow up fast. You hurt her enough. If I ever hear you've done anything other than to make her happy beyond belief first I'm gonna personally handle it like a man. Feel me? Then I'm going to make this go viral, expose you to many people you do not want knowing anything about you. Better see her smile her ass off or you and all your jack off freaks will be grimacing reaching for the soap. Feel me?
You're smarter than this Lu he's bad news. Leave his smelly ass.
I swear I hear 1 more thing I'm blowing this scum sucking fish right out of the water. Lotta peeps are gonna be in the pokey starting with you Gregg.

Anonymous said...

Greg I didn't place Betty Lou in your life so you could manipulate seduce then lie cheat steal and abuse her. Abuse comes in many forms and although you don't physically hit her you do abuse her on all planes. She was a gift to you so you could stop dead in your tracks and know love. If you don't make this right you'll never get another chance.
You are playing a terrible and dangerous game with my beloveds hearts. Time to choose life or death. Choose wisely and with much prayer and supplication.
Should you continue to lie and deceive you will have to deal with the consequences of your free will. All that illicit sex with every Tom dick and Harry not to mention others will weigh havoc on the flesh. No love dries up the bones eats the flesh diseases the organs.
You will lose everything. Your mind your body your finances your joy and desire.
All by your own doing.
Turn it around before it's too late. Stop smoking too. Tickle today cough tomorrow who knows a month down the line. Body aches no desire and will ultimately be penniless homeless and completely alone.
You are sentencing yourself by your words and choices.

Anonymous said...

Gregg Howells is a scum bucket who abandoned his house in Mount Carmel after shoving his sewer lines in the basement with rocks, screws, dirt, bolts, nuts, rags, grease and wipes for over a year and tried to blame it on the sewer Dept. Gregg staged a scene, hit his wife Betty Lou in front of her son not realizing her son was downstairs then fled the house after plugging in and turning on an electric radiator placing it in the basement in a foot of sewage back up that Gregg caused and placed a full can of gasoline by the radiator and gas furnace and gas hot water heater...knowing there was a family and 30 rescue cats etc in the home at the time. Gregg's wife ran a feline shelter and community outreach that fed and cloth d the poor among other services. This man is dangerous claims to be a pastor and Christian but is dangerous a gas lighter an abuser and a menace to society
He is a pathological liar and thinks of himself as a God He just tried to get me to get high and go to a festival where he says he enjoys tripping face and cuddle puddles. I will never go into the SHAMOKIN Library or anywhere near God's Chuckwagon again cuz Gregg volunteers there. Hope they aren't paying for him to work there. That's public and people shouldn't have to be treated love keep that in a library.